On Tuesday next week, Apple will introduce the iPhone 13 series, but rumors of the foldable iPhone have come up again. The technology company will launch its new model devices at the event it will hold on September 14. We expect the iPhone 13 to come with many new features such as a new design and improved camera. However, the folding smartphone, which has been rumored for many years, has also come up again. So, when is the market date?
Foldable iPhone pointed to 2023 for Flip
According to the new developments, in the next few years, the company will launch the foldable smartphone, which is said to be called the iPhone Flip. The claim is made by Bloomberg's Mark Gurman. In his Power On newsletter, Gurman made important claims.
Competitors are releasing similar foldable devices. In particular, Samsung's Galaxy Fold, Z Fold 2 and Z Fold 3 and clamshell Galaxy Z Flip and Z Flip 3 smartphones are quite ambitious in this area. Likewise, the re-release of the Motorola Razr increases the variety. It's time for Apple to step up.
It's no secret that Apple is eyeing the foldable iPhone model. The company has been filing patent applications for foldable mechanisms and devices for almost a decade. But the big question is, when will it hit the market? According to Gurman, the tech company will launch the iPhone Flip in 2 to 3 years. This year was mentioned in previous rumors. However, judging by these latest news, we will not be able to see the new smartphone next week.
In addition, Apple analyst Ming Chi Kuo also suggested that 2023 is more likely for the device in question. According to Kuo, Apple needs to resolve technology and mass production issues before launching such a device. Gurman's claim is also in line with Kuo's predictions.