Advertisements will not come to Netflix!

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Netflix CEO answered the rumor about the future of advertising.

It was talked that the digital platform's revenue gateway ads would come to Netflix. Curious about whether the ads will come or not, Netflix made a new statement on the subject. Netflix CEO Reed Hastings finally gave Netflix clarity on the questions of whether ads would come.

Netflix does not want its income to be ad-based. Reed Hastings also responded to these rumors, saying that unlike the pressure of the sanctions and the ongoing speculation, Netflix will not receive advertising. On the other hand, tech giants, on the other hand, exemplified Amazon, Facebook and Google. Referring to the power of this trio in advertising, the famous CEO underlined that data is integrated from many sources. Pointing out that the ads are an industry cost, Netflix's CEO said that they do not have an ad revenue model.

Also, when we look at the explanation, we can say that there is no such situation for Netflix now that the ads will not be integrated into the platform for a while. In any case, advertising situations may vary in the long run.

Does Netflix, which has 167 million subscribers, have an ad-based system, keeping users away from the application? What are you thinking?

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