'Alo' Turns 144! Here are 144 Years of Developments

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144 years have passed since the first telephone call on March 10, 1876 . So, what technologies have entered our lives in this process?

'Alo' is 144 Years Old!

In the first phone call between Alexander Graham Bell and Thomas Watson , " Mr. Watson, come here. I want to see you. " The device, described by Graham Bell as a voice telegraph , basically converted the sound into electrical signals and transmitted it to the other party.

Today, this technology has advanced to another dimension and has become a technology in which not only audio transmission but also all kinds of visual, audio and written content can be transmitted.

So, what were the main building blocks for the advancement of this technology?

1877: First telephone lines were established between Boston and Somerville, Massachusetts.

1880: There were about fifty thousand phones on the borders of America.

1915: The first continental excessive phone call was made.

1927: The first intercontinental phone call was made.

1962: The first communication satellite, Telstar-1, was sent to orbit.

1984: First generation mobile communication network (1G) launched in Japan.

1986: The first cordless phone appeared.

1991: The second generation mobile communication network (2G) was launched for commercial use.

2002: The third generation mobile communication network (3G) was launched in the USA.

2009: The fourth generation mobile communication network (4G) was launched in America.

2019: The fifth generation mobile communication network (5G) is launched for the first time.

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