An Unexpected Feature Comes to Twitter

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Twitter has started testing an unexpected feature. Details are in our news.

Serving millions of users around the world, Twitter has begun to test a new feature. The tested feature does not seem to be liked by users. We have gathered the details about the feature that Twitter has just started to test for you.

Twitter Tests Grouped Bulk Tracking Feature

When you start following a user on Twitter, the application will offer you a group followup suggestion. All suggested accounts can be followed with a single touch. Users will be able to remove those who are not interested, and thus will not follow .

Twitter's algorithm probably generates the list of recommended accounts based on the content each shared. The feature is currently being tested with very few Android users. It is currently unclear whether the feature, which is in the testing phase, will be available to all users.

Image of the feature leaked. Check out what the feature will look like below. As can be seen from the leaked image, there is a button named "follow all". With this button, suggested people can be followed collectively.


There are rumors that the feature is an unnecessary feature. 

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