Another Buying Move From Facebook

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Facebook  bought London-based computer software company  Scape  Technology .

Scape  Technology ,   a London-based computer software company that works on location accuracy beyond GPS capabilities,   was acquired by Facebook .

All terms of the agreement have not been disclosed yet. According to rumors,  Facebook  bought over 75% of the company's shares. This makes about $ 40 million.

 It is also rumored that Scape's  company resigned from the board of venture capital representatives and two Facebook executives were replaced  .

 Applications Requiring Location Accuracy Beyond GPS Features Are Coming

Established in 2017,  Scape  Teknoloji was  developing a " Visual Positioning Service " based on computer vision, enabling developers to develop applications that require location accuracy beyond just  GPS capabilities . 

Scape Technology

Technology originally targeted augmented reality applications, but it also had the potential to power up applications in mobility, logistics and robotics. In simpler terms,  Scape has  worked to ensure that any camera camera understands its surroundings.

While Facebook  officials stated that they are  growing and developing  Facebook by purchasing small technology companies from time to time, it is   talked about how accurate Facebook has made  Scape  Technology by purchasing Scape Technology .

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