Apple is preparing to raise due to exchange rate

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One of the leading names in the smartphone market, Apple has been serving in the Turkish market for a long time. As it is known, Apple is not a company that raises a lot in general. In general, the

Cupertino-based company, which announces its prices in Turkey after the events, does not bother to raise prices constantly because it keeps the price scale high.

However, the recent increase in exchange rates has put Apple in a difficult position. According to the allegations, Apple will increase its prices with the update of its stocks in the coming period. Currently,

it is not possible to buy iPhone 13 models in Turkey. The products that will arrive in the coming days will also be on sale at increased prices. Another bombshell claim is that technology stores are hiding stock. Many technology stores are waiting for future hikes, saying that there is no stock for the iPhone 13.

Thus, they will have the opportunity to sell the iPhone models that they have received in a cheap way at higher prices. It is not yet clear how much Apple will raise. However, current iPhone models are expected to increase by at least 10 percent. Still, we'll have to wait and see. Let's see how much Apple will increase the price of new models.

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