Apple's Revenues Can Fall Due to Corona Virus

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The Corona virus has affected the production of many companies that have factories in China to date. Apple , one of the companies affected by the virus , has announced that its revenues may drop due to the epidemic.

According to Apple's statements, the company's revenue expectations may not be met in the second quarter of the year due to the Corona virus outbreak, and  iPhone supply may be temporarily interrupted worldwide . Also, although Apple's production in China has started back, less iPhone can be produced because production is slower than they expected.

The effects of the virus on the development of new products are not yet clear. Normally, Apple was said to launch an iPad Pro model with a better camera for about $ 400 in March, with an affordable iPhone SE compared to  other iPhone models  . Even though there is no change in Apple's plans, production-related delays may occur.

Apple made a statement on the company's financial results on January 28 in the first quarter of 2020. 91.8 billion dollars in revenue in the first quarter of 2020 explaining that Apple, but their expectations in the second quarter of $ 63 billion  to 67 billion dollars, he said it in.

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