Application to Edit Tweet for Twitter is Published!

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Twitter has not offered the possibility to edit tweets since its release and will not be available in the following periods in line with the statements made. There is a new way to do this, though.

How to edit Tweet

The third party application called Brizzly stands out as a client that offers the possibility to send tweets you send with a short delay . In this way, you can send the tweets you send with delay settings such as 10 seconds or 10 minutes , thus you will get the chance to check the spelling mistakes or the content itself.

Tips for a Safe Twitter Experience

If you find that the error exists after the tweet has been published, then it provides the possibility to copy, correct, and send the last tweet you sent.

Not only that, but some extra features stand out. For example, you can request that the tweets you send are deleted in a timed manner, deleted if they are under a certain liking, or deleted when they are under a certain comment.

So what do you think about this client? Would you like these features to be available internally on Twitter? Do not forget to share your opinions with us from the comments tab below.

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