Background-consuming app alert for Android

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One problem you may encounter frequently on Android devices is the excessive power consumption of apps. In this case, some phones alert you. The warnings that are found in the background that find a power-intensive application found are basically good for us. Because it is the notification that we have to close this application. In this way, we save battery. We can even figure out which apps are exploiting the phone's battery over time.

You have to use these applications and if you don't want to see this notification, you can solve the problem by following the steps below. Or, if you do not receive such a warning and want it to come, continue with the steps below to check if it is in your phone feature.

Lecture was made over the Huawei brand. It can be done in a similar way on other Android phones. This setting method may differ even among Huawei models.

  1. Enter the settings
  2. Enter the battery settings on the bottom lines
  3. Access the settings section on the page about the battery.
  4. You can see heavy power consumption notifications on this page.
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