Best Android Apps to Help You Quit Smoking

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Deciding to quit smoking is more difficult than quitting, but if you have succeeded, that is, if you have decided to quit smoking, you have taken the most important step. The second step is to implement it. First of all, you should ask yourself the question: Why do you want to quit smoking? Do you want to quit smoking for your loved ones, to save money financially or because you think about your health?

You can get help from technology to get rid of cigarette addiction, which is both harmful materially and spiritually . These apps offer changes and some statistical data that appear in your body after you quit smoking. The success system included in the applications that will help you quit smoking allows you to be motivated. In this article, we have compiled the best Android apps that will help you quit smoking .

Smoking Cessation Assistant

The Quit Smoking Assistant application , which has a very simple interface, contains daily smoking, the number of cigarettes in a pack, the year of smoking, the price per pack, the date of smoking cessation and currency.

After answering the questions, Smoking Cessation Helper , smoke spent time, during which the money saved, how many you smoke during this time, and perhaps most importantly, has statistics that you prolong your life from the day you quit smoking several minutes.

In addition to the Smoking Cessation Application, “I am successful!”, “I win every day!” and "I chose a healthy life!" There are motivating words like. In the rewards section of the Smoking Cessation Assistant , you can see the amount of money you saved during your time without smoking and what you can buy with this money. In the health section of the application, you can see the data showing the changes seen in the body after quitting smoking.

After quitting smoking, you have to linger with something to prevent smoking. The Smoking Cessation Assistant addresses exactly this problem with the distraction section. There is a mini game that you can play by combining the same cards in the distraction section of the application.

quitnow! Quit smoking

Quitnow 'first introduction to you when you make a tough decision to quit smoking, such as "Congratulations!" You encounter the message. Then QuitNow asks how many cigarettes you smoke per day, how many cigarettes you have in your cigarette pack, when you are addicted to a cigarette, how much is your cigarette pack normally, how many years you have been smoking and when you quit smoking.

After answering the questions, the app keeps statistics such as "Number of days without smoking", "Smoking cigarette", "Saved money" and "Time saved". If you want to back up your data online, you can log in with Facebook.  

Quitnow ' "5-smoking provided", "You have saved 60 minutes of your life", "1 day smoking is provided" as in total, including 70 pieces success key features. These success locks can be very effective for your motivation.

QuitNow has a community of people who have quit smoking . Here you can chat with people who quit smoking. QuitNow also has a health section that includes the changes seen in the body after quitting smoking . It should be noted that this information is based on World Health Organization data.

Stop Smoking

End to Cigarette is an application implemented as Gazi University Master's project. It is claimed that the application was developed entirely based on scientific research. When you log into the application, you need to answer the questions "Quit date", "Number of cigarettes smoked daily", "Amount of cigarettes per pack", "Number of cigarettes in a pack", "Time to smoke a cigarette", "Tar", "Nicotine" and "Pitch". . After answering the questions, you encounter statistical data like in other applications.

There is also a success section in End to Cigarette application. There is some scientific information in the Achievements section . For example, it is stated that after twenty minutes after smoking cessation, pulse, blood pressure, hand, foot and body temperature returned to normal, twenty-four hours later, carbon monoxide gas decreased rapidly and nicotine excretion started from the body .

Non Last application information section on "What are the disadvantages to filing a smoking environment?", "What are Non babies and their impact on children?", What should I do "I do not quit smoking?", "How much I'm addicted to cigarettes?" and "How to deal with nicotine desire in the process of quitting smoking?" There are answers to important questions such as . With the End to Cigarette application, you can eliminate the question marks in your mind and motivate yourself with the success locks in the application.

Beat smoking

Beat Smoking asks how many cigarettes you smoke per day, how addicted you are, and how you feel right now. After answering the questions, you encounter a counter. This counter shows when your nicotine request will peak. It should be noted that this counter is a very important detail for you to be prepared for nicotine attack. At the bottom of the meter there is a button with the text "I want to smoke". If you press the "I want to smoke" button, the application is trying to discourage you from this decision.

There is also a nicotine addiction counter in Beat Smoking . This counter starts with 99%. Beat Smoking states that in order to get rid of smoking, you need to reduce this counter to 50%. You can browse the scientific explanation on the subject by touching the button that says "Learn the scientific explanation of the meter".

People who quit smoking need to be distracted by something so that smoking doesn't come to mind. As a solution to this problem, Beat Smoking suggests that the person take a variety of activities, such as going for a walk, chewing sugar-free peppermint gum, and browsing the news. He also writes about the benefits of the proposed activities to the human body.

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