Best Chrome Extensions for Social Media Managers

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Chrome for millions Chrome extension are but extensions that are most in need of social media manager , said in times of great intensity are extensions to help them get maximum efficiency. In this article, you will find the best Chrome extensions for social media administrators and when you try them again, you will never want to act without them again.

1. Best Chrome Extension for Busy People: Pocket

Most social media managers complain that there is not enough time. Those who are constantly browsing through the articles may not be able to fit all these articles in a few minutes and thereby abandon reading the articles.

This extension, called Pocket , comes into play right at this point. Pocket has a button to save the article. So you can save pages and read them later even if you are not online.

2. Best Chrome Extension for Twitter Users: Bitly

Nobody likes long link tweets because it takes up a lot of space in your tweet. Those who prefer to share your tweets on desktop may need the Chrome extension called Bitly . The link shortening service named Bitly notifies you when your link reaches the specified display goal.

3. Best Chrome Extension for Content Servers: Feedly Mini

As social media managers who spend a lot of time sharing content, you should know that buying and sharing great content is an important part of your strategy. In addition to subscribing to RSS feeds, Feedly Mini allows you to subscribe to anything you find or share anything you find.

The Feedly Mini extension has an active button on each page. This button allows you to automatically share content on social media accounts.

4. Best Chrome Extension for Pinterest Users: Pinterest Save Button

Regularly Pinterest is a great Chrome extension for users who use Pinterest Save Button 'u must install. Pinterest Save Button has made it extremely convenient for users by fixing the images you find on your Pinterest board.

When you press the Save Button button on Pinterest , a window with all the images will open and you will be asked which one you want to share.

Bonus: 5 Chrome Extensions for Productivity

Need a few extensions to help you get the job done? Here are 5 Chrome extensions that will help you like a superhero !

Video Cutter : With  Video Cutter , you can easily cut videos and remove unwanted parts. The extension should be indispensable for social media administrators as it is YouTube powered.

Pic Monkey : This awesome photo editor allows you to give effects to images as fast as possible. If your graphic designer is on holiday, there is no reason why you should not prefer this.

Google Keep : You can always think of great ideas. The important thing is to note these ideas before they are forgotten. You can share the great ideas you have caught with Google Keep with your teammates. The extension also allows you to record notes by voice.

Google Forms :  You can create surveys, social media reports or a simple form team list using Google Forms .

Browser Stack Local : This is an incredible add-on and a great time saver for social media administrators who want to test the functioning of the layout, workflow and interaction in over 700 desktop and mobile browsers !

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