Bilkom was authorized distributor in Turkey, the Fitbit products

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Turkey's number one distributor of digital life coach and Bilkom wearable technology, Fitbit who became the distributor of healthy living through smart devices with innovative features.

Wearable art by bringing together worldwide in more than 100 countries and consumers in 39,000 retail stores Fitbit, Turkey in the market now with an Apple Assurance ... Fitbit's health and fitness oriented products, Turkey's digital life coach will be offered to the market by Bilkom.

Bilkom was authorized distributor in Turkey, the Fitbit products

Fitbit is committed to inspiring those who want to lead a healthier and more active life with a range of innovative smart watches and tracking devices. Compatible with iOS and Android platforms, Fitbit devices stand out with their long battery life, impressive health, fitness and smart features, and colorful and stylish aesthetics.

Bilkom General Manager Fikret Ballıkaya stated that wearable technology products have become more and more prominent in recent years. In this context, we take our leadership in wearable technology one step further with Fitbit's health and fitness focus, and we are happy to add Fitbit to our portfolio for health and active life enthusiasts. ”

If V 2 Fitbit, Fitbit Versa Lite, Fitbit, and Fitbit Charge Inspire 3 HR Fitbit products, such as supporting healthy life, will be sold with an Apple assurance market in Turkey.

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