Billions of tweets can be deleted! New decision from Twitter

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Twitter, people's names, etc. updated its private information policy, which prohibits sharing their information without their permission.
Location information, address, identity documents and all kinds of non-public personal data that you share without permission in
accordance with the policy are considered a violation of Twitter community rules. If it is reported to Twitter by the owner, it is removed. Stating that it did this in order to prevent physical harm to people due to shared information, Twitter expanded the policy. It is now
prohibited to publish photos and videos of private individuals on Twitter without permission. In its statement on the subject, the
company stated that they will not allow such transactions on the platform. Twitter removes tweets that violate policy Twitter announced on its official account, “Sharing images is an important part of people's experience on Twitter. People should have a
choice in choosing whether to share a photo publicly.” used the phrases. In this context, he stated that he expanded his current policy
and added: Starting today, we will not allow private media such as pictures or videos of private individuals to be shared without their consent.
Publishing private information of individuals, such as threatening or encouraging others to do so, is also prohibited under the policy.
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