Boston Dynamics Robot Replaces Spot Horses!

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Spot , which was developed by Boston Dynamics and frequently came to the fore with its fun videos , has now replaced horse drawn horses.

Strong Structure is Highlighted!

The company's Adam Savage presentation with his personal YouTube channel Adam is Adam Savage's Tested published in the channel.

As you know, Boston Dynamics often publishes videos on its own robots, and videos featuring these robots, which are very popular by social media users, are breaking record records every time. Indeed, it was the same in the video published by Savage.

The video, which was uploaded on February 13, 2020 , approached 1.5 million views in a short period of five days . In this video, which is about 28 minutes long, you get the chance to take a look at the different aspects of Spot that you have not seen before.

Of course, the main subject of the video is based on pulling a carriage, as you can see from the title . Now let's leave you with the video:

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