Cancer can be detected decades before it occurs

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It is stated that the results of a study spanning 10 years on cancer disease may be a turning point in early diagnosis and treatment.

The study argues that cancer types , some of which appear in adulthood , can be detected in childhood by scanning DNA mutations.

Disease types of cancers can be identified from the emergence of symptoms of ovarian and brain cancer are considered as well.

The study, which included 300 researchers from 37 countries, aimed to define the process of cancer cells, 99 percent of which are in the dark.

Speaking about the research, Doctor Peter Van Loo from the Francis Crick Institute said that in more than 30 types of cancer, they now know which genetic changes can occur and when.

The study, published in the journal Nature, analyzed the genetic code of 2 thousand 658 tumors in 38 types of cancer.

Tumor DNAs and healthy cells in the same person were compared.

DNA damage is caused by the growth and reproduction of cells. Most of them do not cause cancer.

Some patterns of damage that could turn into cancer have been identified,

but scientists have managed to identify a limited amount of damage, which is the source of the 'driver mutation' resulting in cancer.

Half of the early mutations were found to have the same nine genes.

A calculation could also be made on the repeat patterns of damage in these cells.

"We managed to develop the first timeline for the genetic mutation of cancer types," said Doctor Peter Van Loo from the Francis Crick Institute.

Van Loo argued that by analyzing these patterns, tests that could identify cancer signs should be possible.

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