The way you should follow to shut down your computer is: Start - Shutdown Icon - Shut Down Line. So would you like to shut down your computer faster than this method? To do this, we will show you shortcuts on topics such as how to shut down your computer with a shortcut, how to restart or how to log off.
If we now know how to create a shortcut, let's learn the way we can do things quickly on the computer.
To restart the computer, you must type Shutdown.exe / r / t 00 in the shortcut you will create . The only thing that is different is the letter r.
Rundll32.exe powrprof.dll, which you should write while creating a shortcut to put your computer to sleep , is SetSuspendState 0,1,0 . When you double-click this, your computer will go to sleep.
So what should you do to sign out? This can also be said to lock the computer. It will log you out and you will be asked for a password again. Of course if you are using a password. Here is the path to write to the shortcut , Rundll32.exe User32.dll, LockWorkStation .