Declined To Decrypt The Hard Disk He Was In Prison For Four Years!

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Francis Ralws , who was detained in the incident that took place within the borders of America , was sentenced to four years in prison for the hard disk password that he did not give despite the police request .

Can't Prove Her Guilt!

Ralws, whose house was raided by the police in the incident in 2015 , was detained on charges of downloading child pornography . The police who seized two smartphones, a laptop and two hard drives at home took them for review. The police, who can access the laptop, reached the information that this download took place and transferred to the hard disk as a result of forensic analysis.

Although there is evidence of this direction, Ralws, who previously encrypted the captured hard drives, prevented the police from accessing these files. Stating that he does not remember the passwords required to decrypt the hard drives, Ralws was later imprisoned for blocking evidence and witnesses.

The man, who had been in prison for about four years, later went to judicial means on the grounds that he received more than the maximum prison sentence he could receive due to acts of obstructing testimony and evidence . Under current law, Ralws is required to serve a maximum of 18 months ' imprisonment.

Although it is not known exactly how the trial will end, it seems obvious that Ralws cannot escape his prison sentence, given that he has heavy evidence of child pornography.

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