The Google Maps bike directions feature intrigued bicycle users. How to get Google Maps bike directions?
With the new update developed by the US company Google, Google Maps can provide biking directions . In this way, Google Maps can offer you the shortest cycle path for the place you want to go from.
Bicycle directions were first added to Google Maps 10 years ago and are now available in about 30 countries. However, with a major update, Google is expanding the Google Maps cycle path feature. Now users can see road features and access shared bikes . What are these shared bicycles?
When searching for Google Maps cycling directions, you can find nearby bicycles . This; Includes walking instructions, bicycle availability, and places where you can reposition the bike to the bike sharing station So you can now see where you can put your rented bike on Google Maps.
Google Maps bike directions were a feature of the company recently. Along with the coronavirus, single trips became important, and bicycles are ideal for this. In fact , Google said that the interest in Google Maps bike directions increased by 69 percent and reached an all-time high last month.
As part of the update, Google will also make significant improvements to its cycling tracks. The U.S. company reported that it uses machine learning, algorithms and images to find the best routes.