Google Chrome preparing to add 'play' button

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Google Chrome updates are  undergoing a new development. Netflix'e previously added a  'random' button  that makes it easier to watch the American search engine company, wants to create the same effect on the PC platform. The new feature, which is currently under test, works in harmony with Chrome's toolba

Will Google Chrome updates improve your viewing pleasure?

 This system, called Global Media Controls  , is being tested on Canary , Chrome's development browser  . After enabling this feature, a play button  appears next to the URL field  . The button allows   playback of the played media (video and so on) even if processing in a different window .

Google Chrome updates

If you have the development browser and want to try it, follow this path:

- chrome: // flags /

- Search Global Media Controls

- Activate the feature from the screen in front of you

Play button; It  works seamlessly with YouTube ,  Apple ,  Spotify  and  Vimeo . It is not yet clear when the Play button will be published on behalf of the main Chrome browser  .


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