Google makes Workspace available for free

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According to the information announced by Google, Workspace is available for free.

We conveyed to you in October of last year that Google, which offers storage, documentation and communication solutions especially for businesses under the G Suite brand, will leave the name G Suite and continue on its way as Google Workspace. According to the information announced by Google, Workspace is available for free.

Workspace, which is normally available for businesses and for a fee, will also be available for free Google accounts as of today. Working as a business-oriented productivity platform, Workspace includes Google solutions such as Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Meet and Chat 

Workspace, which is normally available for businesses and for a fee, will also be available for free Google accounts as of today. Working as a business-oriented productivity platform, Workspace includes Google solutions such as Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Drive, Docs, Sheets, Slides, Meet and Chat .

According to the information we have obtained, Workspace, which is available for free, will also have a paid version where you can use premium features. For now, no information has been shared about how much the price of the paid version will be.

The paid version of Workspace will be actively available for the USA, Canada, Mexico, Austria, Brazil and Japan at first. The paid version of Workspace will also include many features such as smart reservation services, professional video meetings and personalized email marketing.

Let's add that Google announced new features for Workspace with its statement. Among these features is the Google Spaces feature, where you can have private conversations. Together with Google Spaces, it is aimed for Workspace to gain Slack-like features. Let's add that Google Spaces will be accessible to both paid and free users.

Google Meet is among the solutions updated and gaining new features. Features added to Google Meet include friend mode, new moderation controls, and an updated calendar.
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