How to Customize iPhone Home Screen?

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How to customize the iPhone home screen? In this guide, we explained how to customize the home screen, which is the trend of recent times.

Recently, we have come across many iPhones customized on social media platforms. If these images are of interest to you, how to Customize iPhone Home Screen? You may have asked the question. In this guide, we will tell you how to do this process, which will help your iPhone look much more stylish.

So what do you need during all of this? First of all, an iPhone with iOS 14, some applications that we will talk about below, some creativity and of course patience and time to make all these steps successful. You can download the application you need free of charge by clicking the link below.

How to Customize the iPhone Home Screen?

The Toolkits offered with iOS 14 not only allow you to access more information from the home screen, but also support your home screen to look much more elegant. If you want to create a home screen similar to the images you see on the internet, you will need to do a few different steps.

How to Customize iPhone Home Screen?  -one

iPhone Widget Customization (Step by Step)

  1. Download the Widgetsmith app on your iPhone or iPad .
  2. Decide on the size of the Toolkit you want to create (Small, Medium, Large). In this article, let's choose Medium, for example.
  3. Click on the 'Add Medium Widget' button just below.
  4. Click on the Toolkit created with the name Medium # 2. You can change the name later.
  5. Click on Toolkit again on the screen that appears.
  6. Select the style, font, content color, background color, and frame color of the Widget from the drop-down menu.
  7. After your process is finished, click on the 'Medium # 2' text on the top left and go back.
  8. Click on the 'Save' button at the top right.
  9. Return to the home screen and hold the screen.
  10. Click on the '+' sign in the top left.
  11. Find the Widgetsmith application and select the Widgets of the size you created.
  12. After placing the toolkit on the home screen, click on it.
  13. Choose which Widget to use on the incoming screen.

iPhone App Icon Change (Step by Step)

  1. Go to the Shortcuts app on your iPhone or iPad .
  2. Press the '+' button at the top right.
  3. Press the 'Add Transaction' button.
  4. Type 'Open Application' in the search box above.
  5. Select the 'Open Application' action under the Actions menu.
  6. Click on the 'Select' field next to the 'Open Application' text on the screen.
  7. Choose which application you want to open. In this article, let's choose Instagram for example.
  8. Click on the three dots in the top right.
  9. Type something in the 'Shortcut Name' field to give a name to the shortcut you created.
  10. Press the 'Add to Home Screen' button just below it.
  11. Touch the blue-framed box under 'Home Screen Name and Icon' on the incoming screen.
  12. Select a photo or take a photo from files or gallery to give an image to the shortcut - the app icon.
  13. Press the 'Add' button at the top right.
  14. Press the 'Done' button at the top right.

Changing iPhone Wallpaper (Step by Step)

  1. Open Settings.
  2. Login to the Wallpaper tab.
  3. Click on the 'Choose a New Wallpaper' tab.
  4. Choose an image from ready-made wallpapers or from your gallery.
  5. Press the 'Set' button.
  6. Click on the 'Set to Both' button.
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