How was the Microsoft Operating System Redesigned?

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Genrole Caspe, a UI / UX designer, showed Microsoft how to completely redesign the operating system.

Caspe gave his concept a fairly simple name. Reimagining the Windows experience, the designer proposed a number of improvements for Windows 10 that completely changed the look and feel of the operating system.

The fluent design language has been further enhanced with additional visual touches. Given the separate items it contains such as taskbar, search box, it is divided into multiple parts to have a logical approach. A brand new design proposal was introduced for the start menu. It is said that Microsoft will bring this new design to life.

New Design for Windows 10

The Best Design Ever Made

For the design offered by Genrole Caspe , experts say the best design ever seen. It looks like Windows will use some ideas from the design for 10. It is said that if Windows uses ideas from this new design for 10 development, it can get full marks by many more users. Caspe is said to continue working on the Windows 10 concept design and will improve the design.

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