Instagram est au programme avec obligation anniversaire !

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According to a recent report, Instagram will ask users to enter their birthdays to ensure the safety of its young audience. Under normal conditions, there was no obligation to request a birthday for people who registered for the application. Therefore, many of the users may not have shared this information with Instagram.


However, Instagram will send a warning to users who have not shared their birth date before in the coming weeks. This warning will appear on the main page in different ways, even if you reject it, asking you to share your information.

The popular social media platform will have two options regarding this issue. One of them is when you want to view the post, and the other is a separate prompt. All these security measures will ensure that the content is sorted by age groups.

For example, if some users do not share their birthday, they will never be able to view some content while browsing the home page. Young users will never be shown these posts.

The company will also take action against users entering wrong birthdays. Stating that artificial intelligence will be used, Instagram officials will show a notification about entering the correct date in the pop-up window when the users' ages incorrectly indicate their birthday date.

This innovation, which is currently in the testing phase, will be released in stages from the coming weeks.

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