Instagram Works on New Features

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One of the largest social media platforms in the world, Instagram has launched testing on three new features it plans to add to the app. New features called Nickname, Soon and Love Animation will provide a much more enjoyable use.

Known as the most popular visual content sharing platform worldwide, Instagram has managed to reach more users over time. The stories section has a big share in this success. The platform is constantly trying to satisfy its users on the social media network by offering new features to its users.

Instagram new features will be talked a lot

The first of the features that the company tries to develop is known as a nickname. With this feature, a special person you are messaging alias name can define. The nickname that can be used with the options will only be noticeable by the user who gave it the name.

Storage of photos taken with the camera application included in Instagram was also considered. However, this storage will be available immediately. The photos and videos recorded here will be stored for 7 days and will be automatically thrown away after 7 days.

The platform is also working on a new liking animation to be used in messages. When a post sent or received with the feature called Love Animation is liked, an animation consisting of tens of hearts will appear on the screen.

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