Internet Service Providers Received Too Many Complaints

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Internet service providers have started getting a lot of complaints recently. Most of these complaints are connection failure.

Even though it is not mentioned much, internet service providers are of critical importance. These are the first places to be complained about problems related to the Internet. Recent studies say there are huge complaints. Here are all the curious details about the subject.

According to the figures announced by BTK, in the first quarter of the year, the most complaints were related to internet service providers with 50.5 percent . This situation can be defined as the record level. 23 thousand 623 of the complaints were directed to internet service providers. Of the total complaints, 18 thousand 787 were mobile, 2 thousand 164 fixed telephones, 1943 satellite platforms, and 217 cable TV.

Internet service providers are experiencing major problems

Although users' complaints were related to the internet, there were some differences between the platforms. As of the first quarter of the year, 35.2 percent of the total complaints about this sector were made due to invoices. Especially the bulky invoices seem to have attracted a great response from users.

In the internet service provider service, the most complaints were related to the connection problem with 57.3 percent. Almost everyone has had a connection problem. Sometimes these connection problems can be individual as well as regional or geography-centered.

In fixed phone service, we can say that the most complaints are related to the connection problem. The internet connection has been asking for a little bit of updating lately. What do you think is the biggest problem with the internet? You can share your thoughts with us in the comments section.

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