Making Fake Videos With This Deepfake App Is A Kid's Toy

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How to make fake videos with Deepfake application? With the Deepfake application, it has become much easier to prepare fake videos than you think.

Creating fake videos with the Deepfake application  seems to be fun on social media, but it poses a big data threat. Here is a social media application that can easily prepare deepfake videos .

It's easier than ever to make deepfake videos that use artificial intelligence to convincingly replace one person's face with another's. While deepfakes were once only available to developers to test, now they can be easily done even through social media apps.

mark zuckerberg deep fake

You must have seen the videos of dozens of people shaking their heads in the same way on social media. These videos, which reveal the fun side of making fake videos with the Deepfake application  , look terrible considering we live in the internet age.

Despite this, deepfake application manufacturers argue that making the technology more widely available could help educate people on how to detect explanatory signs of deepfakes.

How to make fake videos with Deepfake application?

Many fun deepfake videos on social media are made using RefaceAI . Company founder Roman Mogylnyi says that, unlike the face masking tools found in apps like Snapchat , Reface can create completely new videos.

"It could take a week or more to make a deepfake video before, and you wouldn't be satisfied with the results.  We asked people to produce Hollywood-level production on their phones."

Facebook Microsoft Deepfake 2

Even Elon Musk used the Deepfake application

Social media videos made with Reface were shared by Elon Musk and Britney Spears, and the app rose to the top of the app store lists in more than 100 countries. Downloaded over 42 million times, the app has been used to make hundreds of millions of deepfake GIFs and videos . 

CEO Mogylnyi said Reface is taking steps to counter misinformation. The app, which can remove nudity automatically, currently allows people to deepfake using only GIFs or 10-second videos.

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