Microsoft Defender application can be installed on phones

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The software giant Microsoft's free-to-use security application, Microsoft Defender, will soon protect phones after PCs.

Securing phones as well as computers is now vital. As the phones got smarter, the threat of cyber attack began to threaten the phones intensely. Many security software is lined up to protect phones. One of them will be Microsoft Defender very soon . Given that 3 billion devices are mobile, Microsoft could not be expected to be indifferent to this big market.

Microsoft Defender, which will try to secure the phones like other competitors, will be installed on the phones for free. The database will be predominantly with the desktop version. The platform, which will prevent access to websites that are likely to harm users' phones, will also eliminate feeding attacks.

The world giant has been working hard to increase the number of people using Defender software for some time. In addition to the version released for macOS, Firefox and Chrome plug-ins are also available. 

It is not yet clear when the mobile version of Microsoft Defender will be available to phones.

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