Microsoft points out 'Switch to Edge browser' warning to Chrome and Outlook users

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Microsoft's browser, Edge, which was recently searched for its code again and switched to the Chromium engine, is experiencing a rapid adaptation process thanks to the support of other services of the company. Original content will be written in this field. Microsoft's email service, Outlook, shows those who log in to the internet interface using the Chrome browser, how Outlook will work better with Microsoft Edge at the top of the screen. The company's engine-renewed browser Edge is the second best-known browser. You may be interested in Chromium based Microsoft Edge test version is available for Mac Expressing that the Outlook and Edge pair will offer higher safety and performance to users, Microsoft shows the message “Microsoft Edge + Outlook = Better together”. This introductory move is a new example for companies to promote other services by using the dominant service in one area. This situation, which is one of the biggest reasons behind bigger firms becoming bigger, enables the systems to unite and offer better performance as well as the power of introduction, and the transition of users is accelerating. According to the data, Google Chrome mediates 64 percent of internet activity. Although Microsoft has simplified Internet Explorer and introduced the Edge browser years ago, it could not conquer the hearts of users. Built from scratch recently using the Chromium engine, Edge is on the rise in recognition.

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