Money-saving application from Google: Task Mate

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Google, which allows its users to earn money thanks to revenue models such as advertisements and surveys, came up with a new project. Thanks to the Task Mate application, Google will pay a fee per task given to its users.
Google will save users money with Task Mate app
Task Mate, released in beta, will pay a fee to users who perform the given tasks according to the task difficulty. Thanks to the map-based system, you will be able to earn money by performing tasks near you.

Sharing the tasks defined by businesses with users, Google makes payments in the local currency of the country where the users are located. For example, you will earn money by taking a photo of a restaurant in your city and filling out the given questionnaire. The application, which allows you to skip the tasks you do not want to do, also allows you to see the pay distribution of the tasks. For now, Google, which provides application use by invitation, will allow all users to earn money after a certain period of time. The company, which has tested its new application with Indian users, has not announced when it will be active worldwide. However, some analysts state that the application will be available worldwide in the first quarter of 2021.

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