Motherboard Selection for AM4 processors

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There are many different brands and models of motherboards in the market for AM4 socket processors , although their motherboards generally have the same chipsets, their prices can vary widely. While you are choosing your motherboard, you may have been deceived by the appearance and lightness of the motherboard rather than the features that Chipset provides you, and you may have given hundreds of pounds extra. There are two different types of Chipsets commonly used for AM4 socket motherboards . B350 and B450 Chipsets are also available in the input series A320 Chipsets.

What is the difference of A-series Chips and B-series Chipsets?

The main difference between A series Chipsets and B series Chipsets is that A series Chipsets do not support overclocking . Although the A series Chipset can be overclocked by loading different bios . Since motherboards with A series Chipsets are not produced for overclocking, mosfets and other electronic circuit components can be damaged by heating. Another difference of A and B series chipsets is that the technologies they support are different, for example B series chipsets

Difference of B350 and B450 Chipsets

Although B350 and B450 Chipsets are manufactured with technology close to each other, they have different features. They basically support different processors. Since the B350 Chipset is a bit older than the B450 Chipset, in some cases it supports older processors.

motherboard statistics

This photo, taken from the site of MSI, a very high quality motherboard manufacturer, shows the difference between B350 and B450 Chipsets. In the first column, it is stated that the B350 Chipset supports the Radeon R7 graphic interface in APU processors such as A6, A8, A10, A12. In the second column, it is stated that both chipsets support first generation Ryzen processors. In the third column, it is stated that it supports new generation AMD apu, namely Radeon Vega series graphic interfaces. When we come to the last column, we see that both second Chipset supports second generation Ryzen processors .

Are the processors supported by the B350 and B450 Chipset the only difference?

Of course, while the B450 Chipset was produced, many different technologies were included in this Chipset. The most important of these technologies is AMD STOREMI technology. With this technology, the HDD and SSD in the computer are combined to increase the performance of your HDD and this technology has come to the AM4 socket motherboards with the B450 Chipset.

Should I buy a motherboard with A series Chipset?

Motherboards with A-series Chipsets are cheaper, as we know. However, since the only difference of these motherboards is not free of chipsets, the technologies used in the production of the motherboard are reduced in quality and an inexpensive and pure motherboard is created. That's why these motherboards are cheaper. When we consider these two features while making your motherboard selection , it is unreasonable to buy an A series motherboard in terms of durability, longevity and forward-looking with overclocking. If your budget is insufficient and you are not going to overclock, you can buy A series motherboard, but if you want to overclock and want your computer to be forward-looking, it will be beneficial to use at least the B350 Chipset.

Price difference in motherboards and return to the user

Many motherboard companies decorate their motherboards with the same Chipset and output ports a little and sell hundreds of liras at expensive prices. For this reason, when choosing your motherboard, it is necessary to pay attention to the quality of the electronic materials, the output ports and the Chipset that the motherboard holds above it. A motherboard with an entry-level B-series chipset is usually sufficient for users.

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