NASA Holoport Yöntemiyle Işınladı !

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Technological developments, which we are more and more surprised by every day, have jumped to a completely different dimension today! NASA beamed a group of scientists into space holographically. The teleported team shook hands with their teammates in space. Well; NASA can now teleport with the space hologram technology it has developed! At the head of the team teleported into space, Dr. Joseph Schmid was present. His experience  “This is a new kind of human discovery. While your body is on Earth, your being can be out-of-Earth.” He brought with these words. As far as is known, hologram technology has been developed for some time. With this idea of ​​NASA, teleportation was carried into space. It would not be wrong to say that we are now in a technological age far beyond the human mind.


How did the process work?

High quality 3D models of people to be holoported have been developed. These models were sent to Space and recreated in the laboratory there. NASA said this process is all in real time. In other words, the holoported team was able to talk to the astronauts and come face to face.

It was stated that the teams shook hands. It is planned to increase the effectiveness of augmented reality applications in Holoport technology. Thus, three-dimensional images teleported to another point will be able to travel wherever they go. So in the near future, scientists may sit on earth and go on a exploratory walk on Mars.


What do you think about teleportation? Please share with us.

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