New Feature for Apple Shortcuts: Hey Siri, Police Pulled Aside!

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Launched by Apple in 2018, the Shortcuts app allows users to create shortcuts and access benchmarks created by other users. Designed for the Apple Shortcuts application, the new shortcut aims to help users with troubled processes that they may experience with the police. Here are the curious details!

Apple Shortcuts to Ensure Security

Some users who have taken action after recent events on a global scale have developed a new shortcut that can be used by people who suspect police violence. All actions that users would normally need to perform in a few steps can be accomplished with just one sentence, thanks to the Shortcuts application: " Hey Siri, the police pulled me aside. "

New Feature for Apple Shortcuts -2

The operations that are activated after the command in question will be as follows:

- The music playing will be paused.

- The brightness and volume of the device will be reduced.

- Do not disturb feature will be turned on.

- A pre-determined text and location will be sent to predetermined people.

- The front camera will turn on and video recording will start.

- When recording is stopped, images will be sent to someone previously selected.

Let us emphasize that this application does not work on the lock screen due to the problems experienced in the shortcuts application, similarly it is only for iOS devices and may not work with sufficient performance in every country. So what do you think about this shortcut? Do not forget to share your opinions with us from the comments tab below.

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