News Apps Began to Be Deleted from App Store China

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The claim that the news apps in the App Store are being deleted in China raised the technology world. Are the news apps in the App Store China being deleted?

Keeping its silence in the face of pressure from the Chinese government, Apple is again  deleting news apps in the App Store China .  No information was given for RSS applications that were removed unannounced from Chinese users .

Apple recently removed the RSS apps Feedly and Inoreader from the  App Store China, and now the same is happening with Fiery Feeds and Reeder apps. In both cases, the decision to delete the application is believed to have been made at the request of the Chinese government.

As you know, the Chinese government is using a filtering application colloquially known as China's Great Firewall to block web content that the public does not want to read . Applications, movies, series or games that contain any criticism of the government, in particular, are banned at the request of the Chinese government.

China Apple Mobile App Response

Are the news apps in the App Store China being deleted?

Two ways for Chinese citizens to bypass these bans are to use VPN apps or subscribe to RSS readers to follow the news. The Chinese government squeezed both,  forcing it to remove more than 400 VPN apps from the App Store and two popular RSS apps.

Fiery Feeds and Reeder developers confirmed in their statement that  iOS apps have been removed from China . The app owners, citing Inoreader, another popular RSS service, said they had received a letter stating that the App Store was removed from China for containing illegal content.

In a statement in the South China Post, Apple has been criticized for surrendering to the Chinese government on human rights issues:

"If Apple chooses to operate within a country, no matter how much it does not approve, it has no choice but to comply with the laws imposed there. But it is possible for the tech giant to refuse to allow government censorship of search results, as Google did, and withdraw from China."

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