Nokia Introduced System Developed for Coronavirus

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Finland-based company Nokia announced its system developed for the coronavirus. So how does the technology developed for COVID-19 work? Here are the details!

Nokia introduced its system developed for coronavirus . He explained that the system developed by the Finland-based company is a system that uses thermal cameras and real-time analysis tools to evaluate whether people have a new type of coronavirus. Here are all the curious details of the system developed by the company !

Can Help Nokia Detect Coronavirus

Nokia announced that it has developed a system that uses thermal cameras and real-time analysis tools to detect whether COVID-19 patients are wearing masks. The company was using the technology at its Chennai factory, which was supposed to be closed earlier this year, after positive tests were found at the facility with dozens of employees.

The company claimed that its system had been in use for more than two months and that more than 200,000 people were scanned in as little as two months. It was stated that the scanning system developed by Nokia is planned to be implemented in schools, public buildings and other facilities in North America, Latin America and Asia. Nokia IoT President Amit Shah said the new analytics solution developed at the introduction of the system allows large organizations to make the right decisions to protect their employees.

The new technology developed by Nokia uses a thermal camera to capture images of every person entering the scanning area and measure their temperature. In the first step, it is checked whether the people entering the scanning area comply with the basic rules such as wearing a mask. In the second step, it is checked whether the people have a fever, which is one of the symptoms of the new type of coronavirus. In the last phase of this system developed for Nokia coronavirus , that is, in the analysis phase, the data is automatically scanned and decides whether an additional scanning process is required.

The company also confirmed that the technology does not interfere with privacy rights. The technology developed by Nokia also comes with privacy settings that blur people's faces in accordance with the law. 

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