The Adobe Lightroom update caused the photos of thousands of users to be deleted. Here is the explanation about the Lightroom 5.4 version from the Adobe front!
The latest update of the popular photo editing application Adobe Lightroom caused reaction from iOS users. Photos of users were deleted with Adobe Lightroom update . The update caused deletion of presets as well as photos of users. Details on the subject are in our news.
The latest update to Adobe Lightroom's iPhone and iPad versions caused many iOS users to become victims. Most of the people who use the popular photo editing application, Lightroom, expressed their complaints about the critical error that caused their photos to be deleted and expressed that they wanted the problem to be solved as soon as possible.
A user named Mohamad Alif Eqnur created a support request 3 days ago. He stated that while using the mobile version of Lightroom the day before, his photos and presets were still available and there was no problem, but after downloading the update released on August 18, 2020, all of his photos and presets were deleted. The answer to the support request of Mohamad Alif Eqnur, who stated that this problem needs to be fixed as soon as possible, appeared not only in the question itself, but also in many users who downloaded the new update of Lightroom.
In response to the support request, Adobe representative Rikk Flohr stated that Adobe was aware of the error and that the issue was fixed with a new update, 5.4.1. Although this is news to please other users, there was no information to please the users affected by the 5.4 version.
Adobe representative Flohr concluded his response by apologizing to Lightroom users whose photos and presets were deleted. It is known that the exact number of users affected by the Lightroom update remains uncertain, while MacOS, Windows and Android users are not affected by this problem.