Providing virtual POS solutions, weepay received an investment of 15 million TL valua...

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The said investment was made by Rüz-gar Enerji and an unnamed food company. How much investment was made in weepay in the investment round, which was realized over a valuation of 15 million TL, was not shared.

With its integration solutions, weepay, which focuses on providing secure payment and installments to all credit cards of companies with Virtual POS, announced that it has received investment. A domestic startup focusing on financial technologies, weepay received an investment of 15 million TL valuation.

The said investment was made by Rüz-gar Enerji and an unnamed food company. How much investment was made in weepay in the investment round, which was realized over a valuation of 15 million TL, was not shared. According to the information conveyed by weepay, the signing ceremony was held with the wind energy authority, the authority of the food company and the weepay officials.

Güvenli, kolay ve hızlı online ödemeyi herkesin kullanabileceği şekilde geliştiren ve müşterilerinin memnuniyetini her geçen gün artırmayı hedefleyen bir online ödeme sistemi olan weepay, 2019 yılında kuruldu. weepay, kullanıcılarına weePOSweeLinkweeShop, weeMobil ve yakın zamanda yayınlanması planlanan weeClick gibi çözümler sunuyor.

İki yıl önce Fintech alanında yeni bir bakış açısı, yeni ürünler ve açık bankacılık hizmetlerini birleştirme vizyonu ile weepay'i hayata geçirdiklerini belirten weepay CTO'su Selim Destancı, weepay bugün bir kilometre taşını geride bırakarak iki güçlü firmanın desteğini alarak hedeflerine daha emin adımlarla ilerleyeceğini ve tüm ekosisteme katkı sağlayacağını da sözlerine ekledi. Son olarak weepay'in bir sonraki adımının globalleşme olduğunu da ekleyelim.7

weepay, an online payment system that develops secure, easy and fast online payment in a way that everyone can use, and aims to increase the satisfaction of its customers day by day, was founded in 2019. weepay offers its users solutions such as weePOS, weeLink, weeShop, weeMobil and weeClick, which is planned to be released soon.

Selim Destancı, CTO of weepay, stated that they implemented weepay two years ago with the vision of combining a new perspective, new products and open banking services in the field of fintech, and said that weepay has left a milestone today and will take firm steps towards its goals with the support of two powerful companies He added that it will contribute to the entire ecosystem. Finally, let's add that the next step of weepay is globalization.

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