Running All Apps in Dark Mode on Android 10

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Did you know that the dark mode, which will fully enter our lives with Android 10, can be operated in dark mode whether or not any application supports it? We will show you a simple method for this. All you need is a device that has received the Android 10 update. Let's get started.

Forcing in dark mode

  1. Go to the settings.
  2. Open developer options. (Down the page)
  3. If you cannot see the developer options, you need to activate. This usually happens when you click the Android version over and over in the About phone in settings section.
  4. When you enter the developer options, go to the "system" option.
  5. Continue with advanced and developer options.
  6. Activate the "dark mode always active" option directly below.

That's it.

As compatible apps already provide full adaptation to dark mode, you will not have trouble, but some applications may not bother you even though it may make the image dark. For example, when a black font is used on the white background in the application and you activate the dark mode, the application may not change the font color. In this case, you may not see the related post. You may encounter such troubles.

If there is a lot of trouble, you can return with the same method.

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