Samsung Galaxy Buds Plus features and price have been announced

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The features and price of Galaxy Buds Plus, the new wireless headphones expected to announce with the new flagship phones of the Galaxy S20 series of Samsung, based in South Korea, have emerged.

Samsung is getting ready to meet the users with Galaxy Buds Plus , this time after the Galaxy Buds . The new headphones, which are scheduled to be announced with the Galaxy S20 series phones on February 11, will have a price tag of $ 149. Galaxy Buds Plus, which is expected to offer almost twice the battery life in terms of battery life compared to the previous model, also has a multi-device connection. 

Galaxy Buds Plus, which has increased battery capacity, on the other hand, seems to have an ergonomic structure with its headphone weight of 6.3 grams. Galaxy Buds Plus, which also includes noise canceling technology, has more than one microphone in this version. The device, which also supports the microphone, will enable your voice to be transmitted more clearly to the other side and will also provide a better noise canceling feature to the headset.

Galaxy Buds Plus, which is a more successful headset model compared to the previous model, especially when it comes to phone calls, will work seamlessly with both iOS and Android devices.

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