Scientists Developed an Artificial Skin-Pressing Device for Burn Wounds

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Scientists have developed a device to treat the damaged area by pressing artificial skin for burn wounds. The device, whose final tests have been successfully performed, is expected to be an alternative to treatments such as skin transplantation.

Canadian scientists introduced a handpiece that pressed the layers of artificial skin directly into the burn wounds in 2018  . Researcher Axel Günther then described the device as a duct tape machine, describing it as a micro device that placed piece tissue tape on the wound instead of the tape roll.

The team recently shared the promising results of their recent trials on the device, and is one step closer to using the device in  burn treatments . Doctors currently have several options for treating severe burns. Generally, in such cases, damaged tissue is removed and replaced with a healthy tissue from another part of the body. However, in some cases, skin transplantation is not an appropriate option.

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Günther said in a statement that the comprehensive burns that destroy both the upper and lower layers of the skin do not always have healthy skin , and the device that directly places the skin in the burn can be an important invention. The device developed by the team completely eliminates the need for skin transplantation by spreading special bioink layers directly on the wound. In addition to healing proteins, Bioink contains mesenchymal stem cells that help the body's immune system and allow new cells to form.

The team tested the device on burns in pigs and was satisfied with the results. Researcher Marc Jeschke said in the press release that the device successfully applied the skin layers to the wounds and   the wounds treated with the mesenchymal stem cell were healed extremely well.

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