Social Media Law Entered: What is Social Media Law?

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The Social Media Law entered into force after being published in the Official Gazette. Details are in our news.

The social media law came into effect after being published in the Official Gazette on October 1. What is social media law? Here are the curious ones.

Social Media Law is in Force: What is Social Media Law?

According to the law, which is more than 1 million users on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram companies such as opening an office in Turkey. Gradual sanctions will be imposed on those who do not open a representative office, ranging from fines to advertising prohibition, which may result in narrowing the band .

A new definition as "social network provider" is introduced in the Law on the Regulation of Broadcasts on the Internet and Fighting Against Crimes Committed Through These Publications. Persons whose personal rights are violated will apply to the social media representative to remove inappropriate content or block access.

The representative must respond positively or negatively to the application within 48 hours at the latest. It is also among the duties of the representation to publish a report every 6 months regarding the complaints.

Natural or legal persons who allow them to create, view or share content such as text, image, sound, location for social interaction on the internet will be defined as social network providers.

The administrative fine, which can be given from 10 thousand lira to 100 thousand lira, will be increased from 1 million lira to 10 million lira for the hosting provider who does not make a hosting notification or does not fulfill its obligations.

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