Telegram Receives New Features! Group Admins Can Be Anonymous

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A number of new features have been updated to the Telegram application. So, what are the new features in Telegram? Here are the details!

An update has come to the Telegram application, which includes a number of new features. With the new update, users of the application can benefit from a number of features such as filtering calls and being an anonymous group manager. So what exactly does Telegram's long- awaited update offer? Here are all the details about Telegram new features !

What Does Telegram Include New Features?

An article was published on Telegram's official blog, where the features included in the latest update to the messaging application were gathered together. Information about the features of the application was included in the blog post published on Telegram's official blog. So, what features await users who receive the latest update to Telegram's Android version?

1. Search Filters

A number of filtering options such as Media, Links, Files, Music, Sounds came to the chat part of the Telegram app. Users can now use these tabs to directly search for media items, links, and the like. With the update to the Telegram application, users only need to type "Yesterday" instead of "September 30" in the search box to view the conversations in a certain time period. Outside of a certain time frame, users can also type conversations with a specific word in the search box.

2. Anonymous Group Administrators

People who are group administrators in Telegram can now activate the option to hide their identity from the settings section, if they wish. The name of the managers who have hidden their identity changes with the name of the group and is hidden from the group members.

3. Channel Reviews

Another feature that came with Telegram's latest update was the commenting feature called "Channel Comments". The users of the application can comment on the messages sent in any group with the last update.

4. New Animations and Expressions

With the last update, Telegram started to offer users a more diverse animation package. Animated expressions and animations, which are new to the messaging application, allow users to express their emotions to the other party in a much faster and more practical way.

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