The second case was seen in Turkey Coronavirus: Here Description

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The new type of coronavirus continues to spread rapidly worldwide. Health Minister Fahrettin husband, said in a statement via Twitter account announced that the second coronavirus cases seen in Turkey.

Second Coronavirus Case Has Been Seen!

Fahrettin Koca said on his Twitter account:

"The test that ended Yesterday EVEN confirmed a sad prediction. We have one more patient. Our first patient is in the follow-up environment as soon as it is diagnosed. We have taken the necessary measures to keep the possible spread of the virus within these limits. We will deal with the problem."

Dr. Fahrettin Koca @drfahrettinkoca

DÜN AKŞAM sonuçlanan test, üzücü bir öngörüyü doğruladı. Bir hastamız daha var. İlk hastamızın, tanı konur konmaz takibe alınan çevresindendir. Virüsün olası yayılımını bu sınırlar içinde tutabilmek için gerekli tedbirlere başvurduk. Sorunun üstesinden birlikte geleceğiz.

The virus is transmitted by close contact. Therefore, it is recommended that you do not keep in close contact with people and wash your hands frequently to protect against the virus. This virus, which has no cure, has only mitigating treatments.

Experts continue their work to find the cure for the virus. Symptoms of the Corona virus include runny nose, cough, sore throat, headache, and fever.

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