The Vaccine Developed for Covid-19 Tried on Human!

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The Covid-19 outbreak continues to draw an alarming picture with 182,731 cases and 7,174 deaths . While various studies are under way to treat the virus, the good news  came with a statement by the Washington Research Institute of Kaiser Permanente .

Vaccine Tried On Human

Kaiser Permanente Washington Research Institute, located in the US / Seattle borders, announced that a humanized vaccine trial was conducted on March 16, 2020 . Although vaccination trials are an important threshold to combat the epidemic, there are some problems.

According to the statements, there is a period of 12 months to 18 months before the vaccine can be offered to the general use .

The vaccine number mRNA-1273 , developed by Moderna Inc , is currently being tested on volunteers. Officials who made a statement about the vaccine stated that the volunteers did not have the risk of getting Covid-19 because this virus was not included in the vaccine.

Many countries such as China, South Korea, Israel, Germany and France are now turning their focus to find a vaccine that will affect this virus. So, what steps are you taking to protect against this epidemic? Do not forget to share your opinions with us.

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