Turkey Cyber ​​Attack Prevention Center to be Established

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The first steps were taken to Turkey cyber attack center. The National Cyber ​​Incidents Response Center (USOM) , whose preparations have started by the Information Technologies and Communication Authority (BTK ), is getting ready to start  operating.

The cyber attack was now among the world's invariable. The big states even turned cyber attacks into some kind of weapon. North Korea even contributed to the country's economy (in unethical ways) with the cyber attack teams it established. The major cyber attack recently after the initiative passed to the BBC move to Turkey.

Information and Communication Technologies Authority (ICTA) National Cyber Response Center established within the events (I USO), cyber attacks against Turkey was voiced by identifying obstacles that instant.

Today, 150 specialist teams work 7/24 at BTK USOM , which will be officially opened . These official in Turkey, private institutions and organizations involved in cyber incident response teams (SOME) in coordination with the works. The cyber attacks carried out across Turkey for the internet infrastructure is being disposed instant determined here. Serkan Kaya from the NTV team talked to Ömer Fatih Sayan, Deputy Minister of Transport and Infrastructure at that center.

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