Turkish Initiative Udemy Has Reached $ 2 Billion Valuation!

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Udemy , which was founded by Eren Bali and started broadcasting in 2010, has reached a valuation of two billion dollars with the new investment it has received.

It continues to grow rapidly

Udemy; It stands out as an educational technology company that aims to offer mass open online courses to people, regardless of professional, student or adult . Among its founders, the platform, which includes two Turks, includes Turkish language support and Turkish-language publishers.

Let us note that the company currently offers over 245 million content to over 30 million registered members. The platform, which has over 60 languages, has over 50,000 instructors.

Udemy reached a valuation of $ 2 billion with the new investment of $ 50 million by Benesse Holding . The company, which received an investment of 60 million dollars in June 2016, was announced as 2 billion dollars during the new investment.

So do you use Udemy? What are your thoughts on this initiative created by the Turks? You can share your opinions with us from the comments tab below.

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