What do the colors of WhatsApp hearts mean?

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Emojis have an important function in daily communication for many users. Users can also do this in seconds with a single emoji instead of putting the messages they will forward into words at length. However, WhatsApp heart emojis are also very popular. But these colors are often misused.

Meaning of colorful heart emojis
If you use a heart emoji with the wrong color, you can get big troubles. Especially if you are communicating with someone who has a fixed idea about what different colors mean… Therefore, it is a good idea to think twice before sending a heart emoji to your friend again.

Meaning of heart emojis in WhatsApp
❤️ Red heart: One of the most used emojis in the world, the red heart is identified with the feeling of pure love. This emoji is used between people who have great feelings of passion, love and romance towards each other. However, it also plays a role in describing very close friendships and deep feelings.

???? Orange heart: The heart emoji represents beloved. But the meaning of the orange heart covers mostly friendship relations. In other words, it serves messages of friendship love as well as emotional relationships.

???? Yellow heart: The yellow color, which means new beginnings, youth, sunshine, spring, purity and power, means happiness and optimism in the WhatsApp emoji. It is also preferred to represent the joy of life.

???? Blue heart: The blue heart icon, which shows trust, harmony, peace and loyalty, represents the deep friendship felt between the two. But on the other hand, another meaning of this emoji serves the BDSM type of relationship. The blue heart, which contains charm and desire, has a double meaning. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to its use.

???? Purple heart: It symbolizes compassion and care. This emoji, which is mostly preferred in family relations, is also frequently used on special occasions such as Mother's Day or birthday.

???? ​​Black heart: Describing a dark and harsh humor, the black heart emoji expresses the feeling of pain and sadness that the user holds inside. It is mostly used in condolence messages.

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