What is UNIX and what does it do?

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The world's most popular operating systems are Windows, MacOS and Linux. Two of these most popular operating systems are based on MacOs and Linux, UNIX basics . Designed as a small, flexible system developed in 1970 and used only by programmers, UNIX has become a leading operating system. So what is UNIX?

What is UNIX?

UNIX is the most powerful and multitasking operating system on the market. Over the years, UNIX has developed several systems for various machines, including popular operating systems such as Linux and MacOS. It is written in UNIX, C programming language . Therefore, UNIX has a very strong structure as an operating system. Bell Lab began marketing UNIX in 1984 by defining a standard version of the system. UNIX, owned by the trademark The Open Group, is the basis of the Linux operating system we know today.

Linux is inspired by MINIX, an educational UNIX-like operating system. The operating system on Android, Chrome OS, Steam OS and many devices is based on Linux. So it is based on UNIX.

What are UNIX Programs, Systems and Subsystems?

UNIX commands are executed in the command line interface provided by the shell. This shell is a program that will read the commands entered and run them automatically or transmit them to the kernel.

“Core” is the system built around UNIX systems that manage the system and other processes. It is the core of the UNIX operating system and interacts directly with the underlying hardware to deliver a range of standard services. Core subsystems can include process management, file management, memory management, network management and others.

Key features in UNIX:

  • It allows the same resources to be shared by different users on a single system.
  • It provides multitasking, where each user can execute many processes at the same time.
  • It is the first operating system written in a high-level language, it can be optimized to run on different devices.
  • It has a hierarchical file structure that provides easier access and maintenance of data.
  • Built-in network functions are available for easy exchange of information between users.

Why is UNIX Important?

Apart from Windows based systems, most of the operating systems you encounter are UNIX based. The MacOS X file system is similar to the Linux file system. This is because Linux and MacOS are made with UNIX. UNIX-like systems rely on a single file system for programs to communicate with each other. It is based on Windows DOS.

It can be seen completely by design in the architecture of operating systems such as UNIX, BSD, Linux and MacOS. We can say that there will be no MacOS and other operating systems without UNIX.

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