What will 6G offer us? Work Started

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While 5G is not yet available in our country, only a few regions in the world can be used actively, while 6G studies have started. The studies are said to be taking too long because it took 10 years before 5G started to be used actively. It is thought that progress will be made in a little less time for 6G.

What will enter our lives with 6G?

Since it is known that 6G will offer 8000 times faster internet than 5G, you can be sure that very interesting technologies will enter our lives. To describe the speed a bit more, we can talk about downloading dozens of 4K movies with one click. With such a speed,

  • Delays in data transfer can be reduced to zero.
  • Remote controls may become possible.
  • A doctor can perform surgery by controlling the instruments with a remote camera.
  • You can control cars remotely. It is even possible for the vehicles to communicate among themselves and the traffic to be adjusted accordingly.

In short, it is possible to control everything remotely since there will be no delay.

When you say the speed of the internet, you shouldn't think about whether or not you are stuck watching a series on your phone. The speed of the internet allows you to run the game on a remote computer without any hardware required and control it with the joystick in front of your own screen. Let's see what technologies will come out when 6G enters our lives.

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