Whatsapp is one of the most used chat applications in the world. It is known that the number of users exceeds 2 million. As such, Whatsapp developers are constantly making some updates in order to offer different features to users. Now it introduced the infrastructure of "communities".
The last seen feature on Whatsapp shows the time you logged out of the application. You can turn this feature off if you wish. When you turn this feature off, no one in your contact list can view your last seen. Developers rolled up their sleeves as users demanded that the feature be optionally available. With the newly developed feature, we will be able to create a list similar to the "close friends" feature we use on Instagram. In this way, users will decide who can see their last seen and who can not.
4 more new features of Whatsapp were launched. What we are used to using on Instagram now; We will also be able to use the feature of reacting to messages with emojis in Whatsapp. With this feature, the developers aim to make the application more useful by providing fast feedback. Another feature is; admin have full authority in group chats. In other words; The administrator will be able to delete messages that he does not want to be published from everyone's chat. In addition to these, it will be possible to share media in larger sizes and the number of people in voice group chats will be increased. The last feature known to be still in development will be the option to poll in group chats.
Whatsapp continues to develop itself rapidly! What is your opinion about these features?