Wind-charged Smart Phone is Coming!

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If you want your smartphone to charge while you're not doing anything, the wind-charged smartphone can offer you just that.

Recently, major smartphone manufacturers have focused on battery technologies , and it seems that the job has run out a little. Researchers and scientists who want to eliminate the charging problem are aiming to adapt nanogenerator technology to smartphones, which is a small sign for a wind-charged smartphone .

How Does a Wind-Charged Smartphone Work?

The nanogenerator is able to generate energy that can illuminate a hundred bulbs by taking advantage of the gentle breezes of the walk, even in its current state. Working at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Dr. Ya Yang said in a statement about this technology, " You can collect all the breeze in your daily life. Once we placed our nanogenerator on someone's arm, and the airflow generated by swinging the arm was enough to generate power." used the expressions.

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Dr. Yang's expectation from this technology is to ensure that it is an endless and sustainable energy source in small mobile devices. " We designed a nanogenerator as small as a coin, but we want to make it even smaller and more compact with greater efficiency. "

This means that the breezes and winds collected by the smartphone while walking down the road can charge the smartphone. Of course, it is a real curiosity about how efficient this will be in everyday use and how changing power ranges will affect battery life.

Until then, we probably have a few years ahead. In this process, we expect to encounter faster wired and wireless charging solutions. 

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